Why you should take part in The 7 Laws of Attraction.

Working with the 7 Laws helped me turn my life around and I know it can do the same for you!

Why you should take part in The 7 Laws of Attraction event.

Have you ever wondered if The Law of Attraction waa made up? Well I can tell you now, it's not. It was discovered way back in 391BC by Plato, the famous Greek philosopher. Plato noticed 'likes tends towards likes'. This is where we say 'like for like' or you attract 'like for like'. It's even reported in medical journals, the power of positive thinking is real too.

In the 1800's physician Albert Einstein came across the theory of relativity and the theory of quantum mechanics. On top of that Einstein and a few other physicans found what your thoughts are is what would become your reality. It was never called The Law of Attraction, instead, it was known as 'New Thought'.

Over time many books were written about this Universal Law and how you could attract anything you wanted. You may have heard of Abraham Hicks, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, the recently late Bob Proctor and so many others.

The Law of Attraction even fell into the realm of Alchemy, well of course it's all magic and in a good way. What you don't realise is, you're always using The Law of Attraction in your daily life, but a majority of the time, in the wrong way!

In a study carried out in 2020, we generate over 6000 thoughts a day and many sit in the negative pot, in the past and very few in the present or the future. Doing this stops you from gaining the abundance and prosperity waiting to drop into your lap. Now when I say 'waiting to drop into your lap', you still need to do the work that attracts the good things.

You may have heard the term 'there's no attraction without action'. I say this nearly every day, due to coming across those who think it'll just happen without the effort. Yes, you can stare at the wall, window etc, daydream about the things you want, and want to do, but there has to be a chain of events that make it happen.

Is there really 7 laws under the Law of Attraction?
Of course!!! I haven't made it up. Remember, there has to be a chain of events for things to happen. It's the same when manifesting, the other 6 laws have to be activated in order for the manifestation to come into reality. 

The 7 Laws:

The Law of manifestations
The Law of Magnetism
The Law of Unwavering Desire
The Law of Delicate Balance
The Law of Harmony
The Law of Right Action
The Law of Universal Influence

I used these laws in order to remove myself from a toxic environment, to gain more money, move to a new place, attract a better relationship, better health, have time to myself and I am constantly using these laws.

If you are a female professional and you have a feeling of scarcity, a negative mindset, just like I had before I came across The Law of Attraction back in 2010, this event is for you!!!

If you keep focussing on the negative, the things you don't have, this event is for you!

If you are struggling in your business, you're not attracting the people you want, this is for you!

The next round of The 7 Laws of Attraction is on Monday 27th March 2023 at 7pm - 7.30pm and it is for 5 days only with 2 bonuses on the last day! Register here. You will need to download a workbook as I will give you practicals to do and you will then be repeating them after the 5 days if you want the things you deserve!

Any questions? email anita@crimsoncatz.com

Universal love

Anita xx

Categories: : abundance and prosperity, Spiritual, loa