What is the purpose of decluttering and what can you gain from doing this?

Check out why you should declutter your home and/or business and the positives you gain from this.

What is the purpose of decluttering and what can you gain from doing this?

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Most people find decluttering a chore, it's one of those things that usually gets pushed to the back of the queue of things to do, until you know it needs doing now rather than later.

Decluttering isn't just about clearing up your home, it's also about harmonising your mind and body, having that feeling of being lighter, healthier, happier, like you've just removed a boulder from your shoulder.

If you use The Law of Atraction (LOA) and you have been manifesting for something or someone. Ask yourself why is it things haven't happened yet? It's not just about how you feel, it's also your environment. If there's clutter, new energy can't flow in, and old energy can't flow out. If that is the case, you will struggle with exhaling old energy from within, outwards, and inhaling new energy inwards.

Other benefits of decluttering is that you find things you couldn't find beforehand, there are things you no longer need but are happy to give to someone who does need it. What about giving to charities? Remember, the Laws of Karma, giving and receiving, everything is energy, what goes out comes back to you in different ways. How about selling your stuff? You can check out websites and apps, where companies are happy to take your stuff and give you monies for them. Do check their T's and C's. 

If you're not sure about websites and apps, hold a garage sale or a car boot sale, for car boot sales, there's a one off fee, it's not much and you get to keep your profits. If you've cleared your wardrobe, you may have pieces you want to sell. Again, you can hire out a church hall or community centre for an hour or 2, create an event on social media, if it's a specific clientele your clothes are attracting, add this and also at what budget the clothes will be sold at, for example each item is £5 or dresses at £10, accessories at £5, you get what I'm saying. Also add the time and date and ask them to bring the right denominations so you're not faffing about for change.

Another way of doing it is, getting together with friends, agree to do a declutter and what you no longer want, you can all bring together and see who wants what. That way, again you have given and got something for it. 

Ideas on what you could do with your profits, I tend to give a fiver or tenner to charity, save the rest in a rainy day fund. If you have food to buy or bills to pay, use it against that, but overall, remember to use it wisely!

When decluttering if there are things that are in their orignal packaging and they haven't been used, you could give them away as presents, just ensure you don't give them to those who gave them to you in the first place.

Decluttering is also important for health reasons too, if you suffer from asthma, excema, or any other conditions, removing things can help, you may find the items moved have mould on them or are full of dust. You may have to move some cabinets, how long have they been sitting there? Do they have mildew or mould growing behind them? If so you will need to get someone to help you clean them down, but use a face mask and gloves to do so or get them removed by your local council.

Remember to always ask yourself, when purchasing something, if you really need it, or will you only use it once, if so what will you do with it afterwards? Where will you put it and does it cater your budget. Even if you shop online and you have it in your basket, ask yourself if it's a necessity and if you are buying things for the sake of it, ask yourself why? Is there something happening that hasn't been addressed and do reach out and speak to someone you know, about it, or a professional body, like the Samaritans.

I hope you have found this of benefit and happy decuttering!

Unversal love and light

Anita x

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Categories: : abundance, consultancy, decluttering, harmony, law of attraction, new energy, prosperity, results, Spiritual, wellness