Laughter is the BEST Medicine!

Laughter is vital to our everyday living, so check out how laughter can help you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle!

Laughter is of course shared universally, but what are the benefits of laughter?

Laughter, the universal language of joy, carries with it a plethora of benefits that cater to both the body and soul, appealing to the masses and the elite alike. Its power transcends the boundaries of age, culture, and status, making it a formidable ally in the quest for well-being. In the vibrant tapestry of human health, laughter acts as both a stitch and a pattern, weaving together physical health, mental clarity, and social connectivity.

Physically, laughter is akin to a light workout; it engages multiple muscle groups, promotes cardiovascular health, and triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. This bio-chemical symphony orchestrates a sense of relief from stress and pain, crafting an elixir for the contemporary soul encumbered by the hustle and bustle of modern life. Beyond the mere act of chuckling, laughter enhances the intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulating vital organs and boosting the immune system. It's a natural antidote to the stresses that wear down our physical health, offering a respite that is both enjoyable and invigorating.

On the mental and emotional front, laughter serves as a beacon of light, piercing through the shadows of anxiety and depression. It fosters a positive outlook, encouraging resilience in the face of challenges and promoting a sense of well-being. In social spheres, laughter is the glue that binds, creating connections and strengthening bonds between individuals. It's a tool for communication that transcends words, building bridges across diverse groups and cultures. In the context of a contemporary business environment, it champions teamwork, diffuses conflict, and nurtures a positive workplace culture.

Laughter, therefore, is not merely a reaction to humour but a powerful therapy in its own right. It's an accessible prescription for enhancing physical health, mental clarity, and social connectivity, embodying a holistic approach to wellness that caters to both the mass and the elite. In embracing laughter, we embrace a life more vibrant, more resilient, and more connected, making it a cornerstone of contemporary living no matter where you are!

Why Laughter Yoga?

Let me tell you a story about our 'late' dad and when I say 'our', I'm referring to me and my twin sister who is also my business partner. 

Dad was a happy, jolly person, he didn't do stress, or negativity, in fact, he loved singing, dancing and being silly. A generous man with a philosophical nature, where people would just draw to him for help, and he would do just that. An Indigo child who would be blatant about being a healer - yes, only dad could fix the worst case scenario and sis and I are the 'Blue rays' in the Spiritual world. We took over the fixing of fellow humans where possible and applicable. 

Sadly, dad had a couple of heart attacks and strokes and the last stroke made the doctors and nurses really concerned for him because they just couldn't see how he would ever move his left or right side ever again...until this happened. 

Dad lay in bed one night whilst still in hospital and he was dreaming that he was back in Africa with 6 of his 8 brothers, playing a game of volleyball on the beach. Whilst he was dreaming, his left arm went up to hit the ball and he was in fits of laughter and when he thought he was hitting the ball, he actually smashed the lamp on the side of his bed in the real world. 

The nurses came running in to find out what on earth was going on, and they found the lamp smashed with parts all over the floor and dad had to be woken up to ensure that he was okay. The nurses were astounded at dad's light mood of laughter and the fact that he could move both arms with ease. 

Dad always expressed how happiness and laughter were always key in life, and if you are not laughing or happy, CHANGE IT!!!

He always believed that laughter was key to a good life and it could turn negatives into positives, it would find solutions and resolutions which would have never surfaced before, and that all situations will resolve themselves. 

On my side, I always wanted to be a comedienne. I was the clown in my school class, making people laugh, getting caught out by the tutor, but still getting my work right, haha.

My husband said to not go down that road because I would end up laughing at my own jokes! (I've been told otherwise by participants, haha). 

However, a good laugh is to be encouraged every day and I see so many stressed out people unable to connect with themselves or others and the need to find their funny bone once more! 

Get in touch via this link and find out more about laughter and how to book me for your health and wellness within a corporate or holistic environment. 



The author, Sunita Johal is a laughter yoga facilitator, but also a Spiritual wellness therapist, a Tarotist, Music Video Consultant/Creator and Course Creator. 

Categories: : corporate business, fitness, healthcare business, laughter, life, positivity, wellness